Thursday, 17 December 2015

Dobova Camp in Slovenia

The Dobova Camp, just inside the Slovenian border, is where refugees arrive by coach or train from Croatia.
We heard that just a couple of months ago the Croatian government was dropping off refugees by bus on the edge of their own border throughout the night, only pointing them in the direction of Slovenia and not warning the Slovenian government. They would have to cross through the fields and villages on foot on their own, and many would wade through the deep icy river because they didn't know about the nearby bridge. The Slovenian government had to deploy helicopters to try to find them.

Cooperation has now significantly improved however and refugees arrive at the train station at designated times. They're brought by local bus to Dobova where they receive food, heated shelters and medical care before swiftly departing on different buses to go to Austria. The camp is well staffed by civil volunteers who have now been directly employed by the government.

Barbed wire has been put across 140km of the border now, although many Slovenians oppose this and are decorating it with Christmas tinsel in protest. There's also a strong army and police presence, not just Slovenians but also Czechs, Austrians, Germans, Hungarians, Romanians and other nationalities who have provided extra manpower to help.

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